Sunday, August 14, 2011

Indian National Anthem

sung by

The Best Vocals of INDIA

Happy Indian Independence Day

Translation into English

The following translation, attributed to Tagore, is provided by the Government of India's national portal:

Thou art the ruler of the minds of all people,
Dispenser of India's destiny.
Thy name rouses the hearts of Punjab, Sindhu,
Gujarat and Maratha,
Of the Dravida and Orissa and Bengal;
It echoes in the hills of the Vindhyas and Himalayas,
mingles in the music of Jamuna and Ganges and is
chanted by the waves of the Indian Sea.
They pray for thy blessings and sing thy praise.
The saving of all people waits in thy hand,
Thou dispenser of India's destiny.
Victory, victory, victory to thee.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

How to carry your bike from one state to other state

My work profile demands to travel & stay for some time in several cities across India. i have bike and every time i travel i feel like taking my bike with me, obviously to escape travel hassles with in new city, esp: if i have to commute by an auto. I have spent some time to figure out ways to carry or transfer bike across India. here i'm posting so that it can help someone.

One can carry their bike in three ways..

  1. Riding across state border
  2. Road Transportation
  3. Railways
  4. Airways
4th, if your are Idoit n' Rich enough ;)

My Bike - Avenger 
Riding bike across border: I dont think this is feasible, untill you are on expidition or travalling to near city in adjacent state.

Road Transportation: This is quit good option, as you can surrender you bike to transportation company and they call you when reaches the destination goadown, usually this takes 3-5 days between states like Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamilnadu. But i didnt opt for this service of transportation as many of trans corp's will never give any gauntness to your bike for any damage. more over while loading into truck, they lift bike manually and load into truck (this will be min 3 ft height). one should worry if bike is of more cc or weight. I have seen personally how they handle once you leave your bike with them.

Other way of road tranportation is by volvo bus, This option is better as you should personally availble while loading. And bike will be travelling with you in Volvo bus ( It will loaded into luguage compatment below the bus and passenger should mandatorily travel in bus ). Once you reach destination city, get down at petrol bunk, fill tank and ride your way.

For long distance cites its difficult to find a bus, who agrees to take bike in luggage compatment below, Now-a-days many transport co are not willing to do so.

Railways Transportation: This have two options again, first one is,you have to submit you bike in the parcel section, they will pack your bike and deliver at your destination station, This might take few days, depends on the city and availability of service.

Other option is, carry you bike along with you as luggage in train you travel. Personally i feel this best option of all.
Follow as mention below for this option
  • Railway allows public to carry luggage in luggage compartments only between end to end stations , you have to identify a train which travels from your starting station to your destination (They wont take or deliver in any station in between, as they will never break luggage compartment seal in between stations)
  • Book a ticket for same train, by which you planed to carry your bike (This can be any class or General ticket)
  • Reach station before three hours, as you have to follow few formalities.
  • Goto luggage section, usually this will be on any end of the 1st platform (back entry, not main gate)
  • Request for form in counter to carry Bike as luggage, fill the form, mention the valuation of bike and etc. they ask to show your bike papers (usually they say that bike should be in your name, if it is your brother or someone you should show some proof of relation or convince them).
  • They will give a pink slip, this is very important receipt. According to railway, owner of bike is person with this receipt, without this receipt you cannot receive at destination station even you show any proof. so careful!.
  • If you are interested or concerned of scratches,  pack your bike and bring. If not, packing service will also be available at the same counter and they charge around Rs 300/-.
  • Unload fuel tank completely, take your bike on to platform and submit to concern person, they will take your bike to arrival platform, you can also follow your bike until it is loaded in to luggage compartment.
  • Get into train, travel along with your bike. once you reach your station, bike will be unloaded onto platform, show the receipt and take your bike. go on your way.
  • If luggage compartment is sealed before  you complete above process of submitting bike.. still no worries... you can leave your bike on platform, and it will be delivered to destination by same train next day. you can go and collect it. (this happened to me, when i careed my bike from Bangalore to Hyderabad, i collected it next day at kachiguda station).
For any more info contact me at this blog ..  Happy Riding.....

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Nandhi Hills Bike Ride….

According to plan, we four guys on two bikes, got up early morning 4:00 and started to Nandi Hills, a hill station 60 kms away from Bangalore city on left of Kanyakumari - Varanasi Road from Bangalore. hill height is about 4,851 feet above MSL

Enjoyed the bike riding.. in the chilled morning.. cruising the lonely  high way till the distance ( distance after you cross the BIA). We were unfortunate to see early morning a car summersaults live on road near airport, passengers were really fortunate to come out without injuries.

Its dark & wide road once you cross the city limits, but I’m sure no one can miss the route even in the dark morning. You will find many biker like u, heading towards your destination, we followed them as we doesn’t know the diversion to Nandi hill from the high way.

Fourth buddy has taken this pic
Cruising from the mountain base through the hair pin bends and mountain edges upon to top is always thrilling. Early Morning sun raise will be delightful. enjoyment only if you can reach there before sun comes out. (There will be a queue for entry tickets at the top) better reach as early as possible, avoid the disappointment after all efforts of covering that distance. If you are lucky enough and visit on cloudy day, there might be something  to cheer (clouds float below the mountain top).

There are few visiting places on the top like Tippu palace (an old building) , Gandhi stayed house, some gardens and the worth full place is Tippu point (sun rise point) its rounded edge of mountain, one slip can give 100%  short cut to base of the hill, it is best place for gliders to take off..
For more info visit Nandi Hills Site

11:00 am started to back to Bangalore,we find few grape gardens on either sides of the road, can buy some at negotiable price. cruse back to home. never jump signals on highway, 100% guarantee for your 500 bucks from highway police… my buddy is victim

In a line: 
Short trip to enjoy with a girlfriend or bunch of friends on bikes ;)

It can be this beautiful, courtesy nandi hills site